Hey Boys!!! Hey Girls!!! Have you enjoyed the weekend? I have visited my family in Granada. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the Alpujarra with some friends. Maybe, you don't know what the Alpujarra is... It is the South part of Sierra Nevada. The villages there are so beautiful and you can breath quietness everywhere. Moreover, there is a special atmosphere; many people leave their lifes and begin a new one far away from the city. In fact, you can find many foreign people there.

And now, I would like to introduce my friend Julia to you. She is one of the friends who came with me to the Alpujarra. She is from my village, Vélez de Benaudalla, and she is a teacher. She is really really funny; you never get bored with her!!! She is a very sensitive and affectionate person and she loves children that is why she works with them. Moreover, I must say that she is a very good friend and I miss her a lot when I am not in my village.
Among her hobbies, I may say she likes music a lot. She is a very good singer and she can play the saxo, that is one of the reasons why she loves Lisa Simpson; both of them play the saxo and they are cute bondie girls!!!
She enjoys going shopping and even more when she goes with me... Har har har... Julia has a very good taste in clothes!!! We also like going to the beach together, although sometimes I get angry because she really speaks a lot and I prefer sleeping or reading!!!
Obviously we usually go out and have fun with our friends. Travelling is another of our passions and everytime we can we package our stuff and fly away...
So, this is my friend Julia. Can you tell me something about one of your friends?