Who is the first heir to the throne?
How many children does Queen Elizabeth have?
How many brothers or sisters does Queen ELizabeth have?
Who is Zara Philips?
How many cousins does William have?
How old is princess Beatrice?
What do you think about British Royal family? Do you like them? Who is your favourite member?
Hi teacher!
The first heir to the throne is Prince Charles of England. The Queen of England have two sons and two daughter. The Queen had got a sister but at now her sister is dead. Zara Philips is the cousin of William, William have got six cousin,He have got two cousin for ancle. The princess Beatriz is twenty four or twenty five years old. The royal family in my opinion is very extravagant and rare, but I like to be part of this family. My favourite member of this family is the Queen Elisabeth II because she is a person with a big character and their dress are more striking.
Bye Teacher!! Kisses
Well, Patricia, but pay attentio to the third person singular HAS and to the expression of possession: WILLIAM'S COUSIN.
Prince Charles is the first heir to the throne of England.
Queen Elizabeth has four children three sons and a daughter and she has just a sister.
Zara Phillips is the daughter of Princess Anne.
William has six cousins.
Beatriz is 22 years old.
I like the royal family, I think that is a normal family with their problems but they are happy.
My favourite member is the prince William, he is so nice :)
Hi teacher!
First, the first heir to the throne of England is Charles Prince of Wales. Queen Elizabeth has four children: Charles Prince de Gales, Princess Anne, duc d 'Andrew York and Edouard comte de Wessex.
The reins isabel has a sister Princess Margaret.
Zara Philips is the daughter of Princess Anne, daughter of Queen Isabel.
William has four cousins Peter Philps, Zara Phillips, Lady Louise and Sevem Vicomte.
Princess Beatriz is 23.
I think about the British royal family is very grandre although not all members get along, my favorite member is the new Duchess Kate because it is a simple woman of the street, who knows what life is like outside the palace.
Goodbye teacher!
Many kisses!
Thanks for a great blog. I was able to get the information that I had been looking for. Thanks once again!
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