As you now, the most terrifying night of the year is really close now. Are you ready???
I want you to keep an eye on the blog. There will be new activities every day!!!
This is the first one; you have to answer the following questions. You only have 24 hours.
- What's the origin of Trick-or treating?
- What about the origin of Jack-o'-Laterns?
- Where does the word "Halloween" come from?
- What did people think that happen in Halloween?
- Where do this celebration begin?
- How was the original celebration?

The term Halloween is shortened from All Hallows' Even (both "even" and "eve" are abbreviations of "evening", but "Halloween" gets its "n" from "even") as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day", which is now also known as All Saints' Day.
The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundary between the alive and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops.
The celebration of the Halloween began with the Celtic, in the Eastern and western Europe, and part of Asia Minor .When the Celtic peoples were Christianized, not they all resigned the pagan customs
It is said that on the night of Halloween, the door that separated the world of the living of Beyond was open and the spirits of the dead was a procession in the villages in which they lived. On this night the spirits visited the homes of their relatives, and so that the spirits will not disturb the villagers had put a candle in the window of his home for every deceased person who had been in the family. If there was a candle in memory of each deceased spirits as not to disturb their families if it was not so spirits are disturbed at night and they were falling from terrible nightmares.
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