Are you ready for a new challenge? Yes? No? Anyway, I'm posting a new activity for you. This time you are going to pretend you are journalits. Your aim is to obtain information about those teachers you see everyday at the school. There are many of them eager to tell you a lot of things about their lives; others will be more difficult to be questioned. It is up to you!!! You decide the teachers you want to interview.
The rules of this activity are as follows:
1. You have to use English and just English (I'll ask teachers if you questioned them in English before giving you any star)
2. You can work on your own, in pairs or in groups (In case you work in groups or in pairs the number of stars will be divided among the members of the group)
3. The information obtained can be posted here in the blog or you can hand it to me.
4. The more information you get, the better. (Juicy information will be highly rewarded)
5. This is the basic information you have to obtain. (You have build the questions from these topics)
- General information: age, date of birth, place of birth, marital status, place of residence...
- Time he/ she has been teaching
- Previous jobs
- What he/she likes and doesn't like about teaching.- Free time activities
- Favourite book
- Favourite song
- Favourite film
- Favourite place
- How he/she relaxes
- Countries he/she has visited
- Hopes, desires for the future
- Something he/she hates
And that's all. Now, it is your turn. Try to surprise me. Maybe you are great reporters and in some years time I see you on TV. Who knows?
TEACHER you are very very "COTILLA".jeje
But That we are going to say to you that you should not know about ours life .If we go 4 united years
I am sorry . The night it confuses me
Alberto, have you drunk???
Pedro and Alberto:
The interview of Nacho , the teacher of filosofy:
He is thirty-five years old
He was born the 11 of july in 1973 , in canary island
He is singer at the moment
He lives in Arges city
He has being teaching for three years old
He worked of waiter and babysitter
He likes his job because he has a good relation with his pupils and partners but he doesn´t to has makes up early.
He does differents sports and he likes listen to music
His favourite books are "crimen y castigo" and "Don quijote de la mancha"
His favourite song are a lot of them, for example "joilhouserock"
His fovourite film is "taxi driver"
His favourite city is berlin
He relax listening to Rock and Roll
He would like visit Tokio
He like very much travell a lot
He hates wars
His phase prefer is :"make the love , not war "
We are sorry for ours mistakes , we are raw journalists
Pedro and Alberto
Alberto and Pedro!!! You are great journalists, at least you are the first ones. However, you must pay attention to your mistakes. Anyway, I'll give you some stars, but I have to think about the exact number of them. Now, it is too late and I cannot think...
Maybe, tomorrow...
If you have a look at the ranking, you can see that Alberto and Pedro have won 10 stars each of them for their interview to Nacho. Great job!!! BUt I think, he is SINGLE, rather than SINGER. har har har
Elena and I (noelia)have been working like journalists!!! And we have made two interviews.
First, we were talking to Noelia, the English's teacher. Then we were talking to Ana Belén, the History's teacher.
Noelia is 34 years old and her birthday is on 18th January. She lives in Sonseca, a village near Los Yébenes.
She always knew she wanted to be a teacher and she has been teaching for 10 years. She only has worked like teacher. She said that the best thing to be a teacher is that you can see how the pupils grow up and how they eventually learn English. However, she thinks that the worst thing to be a teacher is that sometimes it's tired because you are talking for hours and hours and hours...
Her favourite book is THE CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR.
She has got many favourites films but the best of them is THE BRIDGES OF MADISON.
Her perfect world would be a world without illness and poverty.
Her favourite season is spring because it's warm but not very hot; it rains but often sunny.
Ana Belén is 34 years old and her birthday is on 31st March.
She lives in Toledo.
She discovered that she wanted to be a history teacher when she went to the high school. She has been teaching about eight years becase before she worked studying old documents. She likes being teacher because she loves contacting with the students although sometimes some students are very umpolite.
She likes reading, swimming, travelling around the world, going to the cinema...in her free time.
Her favourite book is LA CATEDRAL DEL MAR.
Her favourite song is the first version of "Ella-elle-la".
She loves screamed films and her favourite is EL ORFANATO.
Her favourite place is the beach.
She gets relax practising PILATES & YOGA.
She has visited Greece,Portugal, France...
We are happy with our work because we think that it's very funny.
Fabian´s interview:
Fabian is 31 years old,he was born in Toledo(20 April 1977).He has girlfriend and he lives in Sonseca.
He decided study P.E because he likes sports very much and he wanted to be teacher.He has been teaching since 7th years.He worked in his free time in summer and he likes about teaching the contact with studients and other teachers but he doesn´t like about teaching discipline problems when the students don´t like study and do anything.
In his free time he likes going to the cinema,reading a book,cycling(mountain bike)...
His favourite books are two:"El puente the Alcantara"and "Los pilares de la tierra",he loves U2 and his favourite film is "Life is Beautiful".Also,his favourite place is the mountain and he relaxes doing sports.
He has been in Portugal,Belgium,Holland,Germany,Mexico,USA...
His hopes for the future are this school year and go to Australia or Canada because se participes in a programme in English.
He hates when the people thinks that always have the reason and he really loves to be with his friends.
Wow!!! I'm really impressed by your work!!! That's great. Well done girls. You have 30 stars for each interview.
Thank you for your participation.
And Noelia, please remind me to explain you the difference between "as" and "like".
The journalist teresa and alicia had an audience with juanjo,the best math's teacher.
Juanjo is forty-seven years old and his birthday is the 24th of june. He was born in Toledo and he lives in Toledo too.
He has been teaching for 22 years and before he started to teaching he hasn't another work, he only studied.
About teaching he likes working with young people and he hates of that some guys without education.
In his free time he likes doing "taichi", studing computer science and playing with his cat "Moncho".
His favourite book is "The exemplarys Cervantes' novels" and his favourite song is "Aleluya" by Leonard Cohen. His favourite film is "Gladiator" and his favourite place is his neighborhood.
He relaxes doing "taichi" and his desire for the future is WIN THE LOTERY!!
We hope that you are enjoyed with our interview!!
Teresa and Alicia are also great journalists and they have thirty stars as well.
Fernando´s interview:
he´s 36 years old. He was born in Toledo in 1972. He´s married whit Noelia, english´s teacher in IES Guadalerzas. He´s got twice and his names are Miguel and Alonso. He lives in Sonseca with her wife and her sons.
He decided study tecnology when he was 18. he hasn´t other jobs. he likes about teaching his free time and his relationship with his partner. He doesn´t like about teaching the things that people thought about teachers.
In his free time, he flys his plains, he gas more plains!
His favorite book is "The Quijote".
His favorite film is "En nombre de la rosa".
His favorite song is "Where the streets have no name" of group U2.
He relax fly his planes or fly in his real plane.
He has visited Italy, France, England, Republica Checa, Dominican Republic, Portugal, Puerto Rico and Islas Virgenes.
His desires for the future is that his sons live in a peace society.
He hates the illness and he really loves his sons!!!
sorry teacher!!it isn´t her wife and her sons!It is his wife and his sons!I´m confused!!sorry!!
Good! But there are some important mistakes. Anyway, you have 24 stars, 12 for each of you
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