THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I have really enjoyed the Halloween lessons with you!!!
In 2nd A, we had a great time with Michael Jackson and Thriller, but problably the most memorable moment was my heel breaking the teacher's chair!!! Let's forget about it.
With regard to 2º B, you haven't let me down and you have done a really good job!!! I asked you to bring something related to Halloween to the classroom but I never thought you would answer in such a way!!! Excellent!!! And now,as I promised, it is time for rewards.
Gabriel, Teresa and Alicia: Your sandwiches were deliciuos, but even more than that: they were perfect!!! And your punch??? It has really impressed me and my pupils in 3rd eso have
drunk it up!!! I know you have worked a lot and you were really enthusiastic. Thanks a lot for sharing my enthusiasm. You are great. I am going to give you 75 stars. 

Alba and Mari Carmen: How can I define your cake??? Yummy... Mmmmmm... So delicious... As a proof of it the fact that we have eaten it up in 0'2. Sorry for 2ºA, I really wanted to share, but... it was a chocolate cake. For you excellent job, I am going to give you 50 stars. done, girls!!! You are so cute...

Alba and Mari Carmen: How can I define your cake??? Yummy... Mmmmmm... So delicious... As a proof of it the fact that we have eaten it up in 0'2. Sorry for 2ºA, I really wanted to share, but... it was a chocolate cake. For you excellent job, I am going to give you 50 stars. done, girls!!! You are so cute...
Apelio: You haven't cooked this time, but your contribution has been really original and your
t-shirt... really cool. But please, not more spiders and ants around the classroom. You have also got some stars: 15 stars

ohh teacher!!! tahn you very much for you comment!!! I like it very very much!!! We have a good time the last thursday in the class and we have to repeat it at christmas!! thanks for our stars too!!!
Gorgeous!! These students are really good, and of course the teacher ;) What a wonderful idea you've done with them Ana!! I really enjoyed watching those delicious pastries and sandwiches, ñam ñam!!!hihihi.
Happy Halloween to you and to all your students too!!;)
Hi,Daniela!!! Thank you for your comment. It's great having comments from teachers as well and yours was so cute...
Har har har.
Hi!! teacher , thank you very much for you because you worry very much for us and you working very much.We amuse very much with you and also we learn
oh teacheer!!thanks!when will we repeat?
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